We are bringing an aircraft to market that operates differently to current aircraft. Airlander is able to operate away from airports and runways thanks to its ability to land and take off from any relatively flat surface, including water. Unlike many of the aircraft we see in the skies today, Airlander’s unique hybrid design enables it to be set free from the constraints of infrastructure. This means Airlander could take passengers much closer to their end destination, such as landing on bodies of water close to city centres, significantly reducing total journey times (when considering the city centre to city centre journey as a whole) and providing flexibility.
Our team of highly experienced engineers are always working to develop, test and enhance Airlander’s design. The team have recently carried out testing on Airlander’s water operation capability to further optimise the design of the landing gear and better understand how it behaves in a wide variety of conditions.
Paul Macey, our Principal Engineer for concept design, and Steven Groeneveld, our Senior Flight Sciences Engineer, have led this work. Paul Macey is responsible for evaluating new ideas and technologies that will enhance the capabilities of the Airlander aircraft. He works closely with the wider engineering team to perform investigatory tests that allow us to understand our aircraft better and enhance the design further. Steven works in the Flight Sciences team and analyses aerodynamic data from wind tunnel or CFD (computational fluid dynamics) sources to build the aerodynamic database for simulation and determination of loads. Steven conducted the water operation testing and analysed the results which guided the design of the landing gear for water operation.
Below we take a closer look at the work Paul and Steven have led and the outcomes of this important development.
Still water testing
The production team built a water tank at our facilities to undertake preliminary work and refine the design of the Airlander 10 landing gear with in-house testing. The Airlander 10 landing gear consists of six stud like shapes. To continue to optimise the shape the engineering team designed and created a range of models to test at a scale-equivalent pressure to reproduce the efficient shock-absorbing characteristics of the full-size Airlander landing gear. These conical shaped models, representing a single aircraft landing gear, were mounted on a tow trolley pulling the models through the still water. When the tow trolley is pulled at speed, four components of longitudinal force act on the model, together with heaviness, buoyancy, and hydrodynamic lift forces.